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Installation Docs

Find the official installation docs for v2.23 at

If you have any issues, please be sure to report it on the slack community — (Edit: temporarily, the inviter is down! Please bear with us until it's resolved...), or report them on the issue tracker on GitHub.

  Oct 18, 2018     Team Hephy     announcements  UPDATE: Mar 4, 2024

Meeting: Open Roadmap Community Planning

roadmap 2018

Team Hephy’s inaugural Open Roadmap Community Planning meeting is set for November 1. The format will be the same familiar Zoom meeting. All are welcome to attend.

The time is set for 2:00PM EST on the first Thursday of every month. Team Hephy plans on hosting these meetings regularly every month going forward, unless there is a major conflict or scheduling issue.

The tentative plan is that we will release v2.20.0 before the meeting, and the topic of the roadmap meeting will be planning for the next v2.21 release.

November 1st is coming soon (2 weeks) so please join us, and try to let us know on Slack in advance if there is anything you want to put onto the agenda.

Please mark your calendars!


– Kingdon

P.S. if you are just trying to join the meeting, here is the Zoom link: