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  May 19, 2019     Team Hephy     tutorials  UPDATE: Mar 4, 2024

Running Workflow Without Any LoadBalancer

blog 2019 tutorial

When I learned that my favorite NGINX Ingress Controller provides an option to do TCP load balancing, I decided to try and configure it with Hephy Workflow v2.21.0’s experimental_native_ingress support, in order to obviate Builder’s requirement of a separate L4 LoadBalancer under this configuration. As a Hephy Workflow user and long-time Nginx user this seemed like a natural extension that Native Ingress Support, when configured with nginx-ingress, should be capable of routing SSH traffic to Builder as part of the package.

This post is meant to show briefly, just how it can be done today.

Ingress Controllers Serving SSH Traffic

This is full-circle really, since Deis Workflow already provided router, which also is nginx, that routed traffic to Builder as well and had this capability built-in long before Ingress was ever a thing. Deis Router already provides a configuration like this by default, and it seems a natural facet of Ingress would be to facilitate a similar support, except Kubernetes Ingress spec still doesn’t include any provisions for TCP load balancing, or multiplexing any other connection type than L7/HTTP.

This is a hack — it’s not the formal enhanced support for Ingress that you’ve been waiting for. But depending on which Kubernetes provider you are using, you probably pay something for a LoadBalancer, and if you’re like me, you’d rather not pay for two if you don’t need them!

Why not use the nodes? A HostPort DaemonSet-based mesh of Ingress controllers could open up their nodes’ :2222 SSH, the port for Workflow’s Builder, on the same IP address that hosts deis.controller.your.dns.whatever, spare me from an extra LoadBalancer and DNS record please!

Good news, if you use nginx-ingress, it’s supported.

Here’s how: and the bad news is, if you’ve used any decent kind of automation to deploy Workflow, this will almost certainly break your CI for now. (Sorry, maybe I’ll try and make this better in a later release! For now, it’s a hack.)

helm repo add hephy
helm repo update
helm fetch --untar hephy/workflow

vi workflow/charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml

First: Reconfigure Builder to use NodePort

First you’re going to change this chart in-place, according to this diff:

diff --git a/charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml b/charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml
--- a/charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml
+++ b/charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ spec:
     app: deis-builder
 {{ if }}
-  type: "LoadBalancer"
+  type: "NodePort"
 {{ end }}

That was the part that breaks CI. Not going to go into that right now, I’ll add it in a footnote[1]. I assume you have this chart untarred, and you edited the template files on disk. If you’ve done so and still trust me, run:

kubectl --namespace=deis delete service deis-builder
helm upgrade --install hephy --namespace deis workflow/

Now I’m assuming you’ve already installed Workflow and configured it with Experimental Native Ingress, which provisioned a service/deis-builder of type LoadBalancer. You delete the service because a Service with type LoadBalancer is immutable and can’t be changed into NodePort or ClusterIP. (It needs to be deleted and created again, the next Helm release will create it new for you.)

This tutorial does not cover setting up nginx-ingress or cert-manager, if you need help with that you may find it on the wiki page, on which I did some research preparing for this post. Caveat emptor, learning you up on Ingress is unfortunately something that’s out of scope for today’s blog post. If any of this is unfamiliar, you might stop what you’re doing and read the docs on Native Ingress. (You could also, try web root or reach us on slack!)

Next, I am going to show you how to configure the nginx-ingress chart to forward port :2222 toward your deis/deis-builder:2222:

Second: Configure Nginx to forward :2222

diff --git a/nginx-ingress/values.yaml b/nginx-ingress/values.yaml
--- a/nginx-ingress/values.yaml
+++ b/nginx-ingress/values.yaml
@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ imagePullSecrets: []
 # TCP service key:value pairs
 # Ref:
-tcp: {}
-#  8080: "default/example-tcp-svc:9000"
+  2222: "deis/deis-builder:2222"

 # UDP service key:value pairs
 # Ref:

If you haven’t untarred the chart and are just installing from the live helm repo, you could say:

--set tcp.2222="deis/deis-builder:2222" as in,

helm upgrade --install ingress stable/nginx-ingress \
  --namespace nginx-ingress \
  --set tcp.2222=deis/deis-builder:2222,controller.hostNetwork=true,controller.daemonset.useHostPort=true,controller.kind=DaemonSet,controller.service.type=NodePort

Now you have to be sure that Nginx is reachable on port 2222, however that may come to have been protected on $cloudProvider of your choice: by Security Group, Firewall, or something else. If you copied settings above, nothing else surprising has happened, and you created a DNS record pointed correctly at some of your nodes, CNAME at then you should be able to git push to the Deis Builder component now!


The SSH traffic flows through the nginx-ingress just as easily as HTTP traffic.

Hope this note saves some other cheapskates like me a couple dollars, –Kingdon


[1]* it breaks CI because any automation for a helm chart is likely to run helm dep build before installing the chart and its dependencies, at least for me Helm Operator did run helm dep update, which means your change to the file charts/builder/templates/builder-service.yaml right there in-place on your filesystem, is going to be overwritten by the copy from upstream before it gets installed.

Update: Good news! There’s skipDepUpdate for all (one) of us Weave+Hephy users out here, since helm-operator:0.7.0 added support for it nearly two months ago already.

As a serious answer, we could make this an actually supported configuration of Builder. In a later release, maybe values.builder.service_type: NodePort is a new option in the workflow chart that can pass itself down to builder.